- Standard units
- Metric units
- Using rulers
- Measurement of time and temperature
- Problem solving
- Identify even, odd, prime and composite #’s
- Equivalent fractions
- Compare and order
- (+) (-) like denominators then simplify
- (+) (-) unlike denominators then simplify
- Introduce mixed numbers with like denominators
- Problem Solving
- Identify symmetry and congruence
- Lines
- Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Classify angles
- Find perimeter and area
- Apply formulas P=s+s+s+s; P=4s; A=l x w
- Identify solid shapes
- Coordinate plane
- Plot ordered pairs
- Read and write decimals to hundredths
- Compare and order
- Read, write and order decimals greater than one
- Relate fraction and decimal equivalents
- (+) (-) decimals through hundredths
- Estimation of decimals
- Problem Solving
- Collect and organize
- Read single- and double-line graphs
- Problem Solve from graphs
- Determine the likely event
- Possibilities and outcomes
Place Value and Money
- Place Value through 1,000,000s
- Read and write large numbers
- Expanded form
- Compare and order
- Estimation
- Read and write money
- Compare amounts of money
- Making change
- Problem Solving using money – charts, catalogs and menus
Adding and Subtracting
- Properties of addition
- (+) and (-) of whole numbers and money to 100,000s
- (-) across zeros
- Apply checking methods
- Estimation
- Read and write expressions and equations
- Evaluate simple expressions and equations
- Function tables
- Problem solving with tables and charts
Properties of
- (x) and (/) math facts
- Patterns and arrays
- Prime Factorization – factor trees
- Multiples of 10, 100, 1000s
- One-digit multiplier
- Factors with zeros
- Introduction of two-digit multiplier
- Problem solving using charts, tables
- (/) using one-digit divisor
- (/) money
- Zeros in quotient
- Interpreting remainders
- Multiplication check
- Find averages/means
- Apply estimation of 10, 100, 1000s
- Problem solving
Language Arts
- Explain Text
- Determine Themes
- Describe characters, settings, events in a story with details
- Determine meaning of words/phrases
- Compare and Contrast
- Differences between types of stories and poems.
- Types of narrations (point of view)
- Making connections
- Sequence of events
Phonics and Word Recognition
- Text Types and Purposes
- Opinions
- Facts and Details
- Introduction and Conclusions
- Paragraphs
- Formatting
- Narratives
- Transition Words
- Dialogue
- Descriptions
- Clear and Coherent Writing
- Peer Planning/Revising/Editing
- Technology to Write
- Research
- Analysis
Speaking and Listening
- Discussions
- Speeches/Presentations
- Relative Pronouns and Adverbs
- Progressive Verb Tenses
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Order Adjectives
- Prepositional Phrases
- Complete Sentences
- Correct Grammar and Punctuation
- Compound Sentences
- Spelling
Social Studies
History and Culture
- Lenni Lenape
- European Colonists/Settlers
- N.J. and the American Revolution
- Declaration of Independence
- Battles in N.J.
- Democracy
- The Catholic Church
- State Government
- National Government
Citizens’ Rights
Holidays and Symbols of Our Country
- Regions of the state
- Weather and Climate
- Environmental Issues
- Wants and Needs
- Spending and Saving
- Goods and Services
- Trade
Scientists and Inventions
- How Electric Current is changed
- Moving water, wind, and ice that shape land
- Natural resources and conservation efforts
- Consequences of producing and disposing of trash
- Earth’s atmosphere
- Effects of changes in air on weather
- The Water Cycle
- Weather Patterns and Predictions
- Seasonal weather changes
- Climate
- Classification of Living Things
- Characteristics of Living Things
- Animal Groups
- Adaptations of Living Things
- Properties of Matter
- Heat Loss and Gain
- Physical and Chemical Changes
- Magnets
- Forms of electrical energy
- Electric Circuits
- Sources of Electric Current
- Book: Spanish is Fun
- Holidays
Computer Education
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Wordle and Tagxedo – word cloud programs
- Typing
- Art programs – Picassohead,, graffitiart, paint, etc.
- IXL/Sumdog Math Practice
- Turtlediary
- Scratch Coding