
Handbook/ Policies

Student Handbooks

ABsences and Early Pickup

In the event that your child is sick or otherwise absent from school, a parent is required to notify the school office on the morning of the absence. Notification to the school may be made by calling the main number at 973-762-5169 or emailing the office. Children who miss a day of school should notify the school by 11 a.m. if they would like to request to pick up the homework assignment for the child at the end of the school day, or to have the information emailed to them at the email address on file. In the event that your child must leave school during the day, it is requested that you write a brief note indicating your child’s name, grade and the time at which you wish to pick up your child. Parents are strongly encouraged to make appointments for routine physicals, dental appointments or orthodontic appointments after school hours, unless there is an ongoing medical requirement or emergency that necessitates that the child be seen by a physician during school hours.

In the event that a child must leave school due to an illness, we request that an authorized adult pick up the child from the premises. Children who have headaches, fever, rashes, stomach aches, or sore throats are encouraged to stay home.

New Jersey law requires that a parent send in a written and signed note from the parent indicating the reason why the child missed school, for example, had a cold, strep throat, stomach virus etc.

Drop-off and dismissal

School is open at 7:45 a.m. to receive children in their classrooms. Student walkers, who live within walking distance, enter the school building through the front door. Children who are dropped off by car in the morning, enter the school along the path from the parking lot. In the morning, teachers are stationed along the path.

At the end of the day, children are dismissed to the authorized individuals designated for pickup. Children who live within walking distance leave through the front door. Students being picked up by school bus or by car are picked up from the parking lot area under the supervision of the school’s teachers. If your child will be leaving with another school parent, you must leave written instructions with the school on the day of pickup designating who will be picking up your child.

After Care is available on an as-needed basis for all K-8 children for a nominal daily fee. Our After Care program runs every school day from 2:40 p.m. to 6 p.m. Should you decide to place your child in After Care for the day, you must either leave a written note with the School Secretary at the front desk or send one in with your child to their homeroom teacher.

For Pre-K Drop-off and Dismissal information, please refer to the Pre-K Student Handbook.

School Closings and delayed openings

In the event that there is a delayed opening or school is canceled due to inclement weather, you will receive a phone call and/or email blast from the PowerSchool Messenger, alerting you of the cancellation or delayed opening. In order to ensure that you receive timely notifications and are able to be reached in an emergency, please complete the PowerSchool “Information Update Form” sent to you via email each August. Questions about this please email registration@ourladyofsorrowsschool.org.

Change in Contact Information

If you need to alert us of a change to your home address, phone numbers (home/work/cell/other), or email address(es), please send an email to the school office.


The concept of school uniform serves two purposes – to instill a sense of belonging and pride in the school and also to eliminate any idea of competition in the matter of personal dress. Most schools have very precise requirements and every school issues a uniform list which covers all items for general day-to-day wear (often including shoes).

We live in a society where our character is judged by the way we dress; this judgment can cause tension in the school atmosphere. It is our hope that if all students are required to wear a mandatory uniform, students will become more accepting towards each other and be more focused on their work and not their appearance.

There is a difference between a dress code and a uniform policy. A dress code policy tells the students what they cannot wear. A uniform policy tells the students what they must wear.

Flynn & O’Hara are the official uniform outfitters of Our Lady of Sorrows School.

New Uniforms can be purchased at the Flynn & O’Hara store or website.

Flynn & O’Hara
Address: 329 Route 46 East, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Telephone: 973-882-0833

Summer Uniforms are worn from opening day in September to October 22nd, and from May 1st until closing.

Children are to be in full uniform on the first day of school:

Girls: 6-8

  • OLS knit polo shirt

  • Plaid kilt or Navy Twill pants

  • White or navy knee socks.

  • Black, navy or dark brown FLAT shoes (no backless shoes).

Girls: K-5

  • OLS knit polo shirt,

  • Navy cuffed shorts with belt, jumper or Navy Twill pants

  • Short sleeve peter pan collar shirt, white or navy crew socks.

  • Black, navy or dark brown FLAT shoes (no backless).

Boys: 6-8

  • OLS knit polo shirt,

  • Navy pants with belt,

  • White or navy crew socks.

  • Black, navy or dark brown shoes.

Boys: K-5

  • OLS knit polo shirt,

  • Navy cuffed shorts with belt,

  • White or navy crew socks.

  • Black, navy or dark brown shoes.

Winter Uniforms are worn from October 25th to April 30th.

*For the months of December, January, and February only, girls may wear navy twill pants instead of the kilt.

Boys: K-8

  • Navy Twill pants

  • White button-down shirt

  • OLS school tie

  • Gray OLS V-necked sweater or vest

  • Black/navy/brown belt

  • Navy or white socks

  • Black/Navy/Brown shoes (not sneakers)

Girls: K-5

  • OLS gray plaid jumper or Navy Twill pants

  • White Peter Pan collar blouse

  • OLS Navy cardigan

  • Navy or white socks

  • Black/Navy/Brown flat shoes (not sneakers)

Girls: 6-8

  • OLS gray plaid wraparound kilt or Navy Twill pants

  • White pixie collar blouse

  • OLS Navy V-necked sweater vest

  • Navy or white socks

  • Black/Navy/Brown flat shoes (not sneakers)

Hoodies are NOT to be worn. ONLY OLS sweaters, fleece jackets and vests are to be worn.

Sneakers are ONLY to be worn on Gym days. Uggs and Ugg slippers are NOT PERMITTED!

If a boot is worn, it MUST be NO HIGHER than the ankle.