Health & Safety

Health & Safety


School Nurse

The school nurse at Our Lady of Sorrows is Mrs. Ellen Kirkwood, RN. Her office is located to the left of the main entrance. The nurse’s hours are 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. during the school day, Monday through Friday.

All OLS Students are required to submit current Immunizations and a yearly Universal Health Form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Nurse Ellen Kirkwood or leave a message for her with the main office.

Important Health FORMS:


Important Health information:


Administration of Medicine by OLS School Personnel

The state law and regulations pertaining to the administration of medication to students by school personnel have changed. Please be aware of the following policies, which must be observed before any medication can be given.

DO – Obtain a signed, written order from the physician/dentist which includes: the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dose prescribed, the frequency of the dose, the reason for prescribing, the start date, the finish date, side effects to look for and any special instructions.
DO – Send in a signed permission as the parent/guardian to allow school personnel to administer the medication.
DO – Transport the medication to school yourself or with another responsible adult. EXCEPTION: Secondary students with the order and permission to self-medicate using asthma inhalers only.
DO – Send only a 45-day supply or less of any medication.
DO – Pick up unused medication after the “stop date.” Medication not picked up after two weeks will be disposed of.
DO – Obtain a signed, written order from the physician/dentist which includes: the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dose prescribed, the frequency of the dose, the reason for prescribing, the start date, the finish date, side effects to look for and any special instructions. FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM SCHOOL NURSE.

DO NOT – Send any medication to school without the doctor’s order.
DO NOT – Request medication to be given outside of school hours.
DO NOT – Put medication in any other container than the one you purchased it in.

Safety Drills

Our Lady of Sorrows School practices safety drills at least twice per month. These include fire drills, evacuation drills and lockdown drills.

Closings and Important Announcements

In the event of a school closing (weather-related or otherwise), parents will be notified using the Honeywell Instant Alert System. You will be contacted on the devices you selected on your personal page on the Honeywell web site.

In the unlikely event that Honeywell experiences a problem, there are other ways to receive emergency communications. The school closing will be reported via email, and will be on the home page of our website. In addition, if you call the school at (973) 762-5169, you will receive a message advising you that the school is closed. These are the ways to keep informed in case of a weather emergency.

The Honeywell System will also be used to convey important announcements, reminders and schedules.