The preschool program at Our Lady of Sorrows is a thematic program. Each of the academic areas is taught within the context of each theme covered.
The children will learn to:
-count on the calendar
-one-to-one correspondence
-greater than/less than
-simple addition and subtraction
They will also work on sequencing, grouping and sorting.
The children will understand the natural world around them. They will explore the lifecycles of plants, trees and animals. They will learn about the changing seasons and weather, and other scientific concepts. They will learn about their bodies and how they work. The children will be exposed to many hands-on activities which will help them to understand these concepts.
Language Arts
The children will learn a new letter each week. They will recognize the letter and its sound and will be able to write/trace each letter. Each week, we will read a story about the letter we are working on and will “brain storm” for words beginning with that letter sound as well as trace our “Rainbow Letter.” In addition, the children will understand rhyming words and word groups and will recognize their names and the names of their classmates. Simple sight words will also be introduced.
The class will use the Pre-K3 Religion book titled ”God Made Me.” This book consists of colorful tear-out pages which correspond with each lesson taught. This book teaches the children about the abilities and gifts God has given them (I Can See, I Can Talk, I Can Help, etc.) as well as the different holidays throughout the year.
Social Skills
The children will learn to sit attentively at circle time and participate in group discussions. They will learn the value of sharing, taking turns and playing in cooperative groups. At snack time, the children will practice table manners and learn to clean-up after themselves.
Computer Education
Starfall: abc’s, math skills, beginning reading exercises
Mouse skills, site navigation, arrow keys
Microsoft Word: shapes, drawing, WordArt
Music, Songs, and Finger Plays
In addition to weekly music class, the children will learn many songs, finger plays and poems in class. We will also use rhythm sticks and musical instruments in class to illustrate and reinforce patterns and sounds.
Fine Motor Skills
The children will work on their fine motor skills throughout the year. They will learn to use scissors, glue, crayons, markers and pencils. The children will also be introduced to a variety of manipulatives to help them to develop their fine motor skills.
French and Spanish
The children will be introduced to simple words and phrases in both French and Spanish.
They will learn:
- How to count to ten
- Colors
- Holidays
- Shapes
- How to say “hello”, “goodbye” and “thank you” and other words and phrases
- Responding to music: Imitating rhymes, feeling the steady beat, moving to the music (clapping, tapping, using rhythm instruments); high and low, loud and soft, quick and slow, etc.
- Learn syllable names of scale: do, re, mi, etc. Use hand levels to feel the ascending and descending of the scale; later, of a simple melody.
- Learn the names of Staff.Prayer songs, patriotic songs, seasonal songs.
- Use records, tapes, CDs to learn various songs with actions.
- Learn the instruments of the orchestra; visual pictures of instruments; auditory; listening to how each one sounds.
- Preparation for Christmas Play and end-of-the-year program.
- Piano, autoharp, omnichord, resonator belles, tone chimes.
- Supplemental computer programs.