Seventh Grade Curriculum

Seventh Grade Curriculum



The Seventh Grade course will take the math topics learned in previous years of study and incorporate algebraic concepts into them. The use of variables, expressions and equations, monomials and polynomials, and squares and square roots will be introduced and applied.

More extensive geometric concepts will be used, including:
-area of irregular figures
-line and angle relationships
-the Pythagorean Theorem
-basic trigonometric ratios

Language Arts

These courses continue to help students become lifelong readers and writers. They emphasize the learning strategies they need to become critical readers and more skilled writers. Our literature book, which covers a variety of genres, provides the context in which students can develop, apply and hone the reading skills they have learned. Our program is writing-intensive and we expect students to actively participate. Some of the writing assignments include:
-news articles
-book reports
-character sketches

Grammar includes the essentials of traditional grammar and standard usage from basic parts of speech, language mechanics to sentence structure. We will start the year with a review of punctuation and capitalization rules.

We use Vocabulary Workshop by Sadlier-Oxford which is a “pure-vocabulary approach” to word acquisition. Many high schools also use this series, so students have an extra advantage of having worked with it since 5th grade. We combine this with “the literature-based approach” which we use in reading.

Oral Expression
Oral Expression gives students the opportunity to practice their communication skills. They learn to convey orally an understanding of a piece of prose, poetry, or a speech. Elements to be worked on are: interpretation, use of voice, appropriate eye contact and physical presentation.


- Human Biology
- Macro-biology
- Micro-biology
- Bacteria and Viruses
- Environmental Science
- Inside Earth and its Changing Surface

Social Studies

Our study spans the years from the Founding Fathers to Abraham Lincoln. We often include European events that coincide with each timeframe. We also explore important people in all walks of life, such as: inventors, civil rights leaders, artists, musicians, and military commanders. Above all, we focus on the sixteen Presidents of the United States during this era – from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln. We cover four wars and an intensive study of the Constitution. Government, civics, and current events with charts and graphs become an integral part of our program through our subscription to Scholastic Magazine and other erudite publications.


The religion program’s focus is “Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” It integrates scripture, Catholic doctrine, Tradition, and the Church’s social teaching into each lesson. The purpose is to give students a greater understanding of who Jesus is, which will lead to a deeper personal relationship with Christ. In October, the seventh grade will plan the monthly school liturgy, and in June, the prayer service surrounding their Ring Ceremony. Throughout the year, students will have an opportunity to participate in service projects.


The goal of the middle school Spanish program is to make language acquisition a natural, enjoyable, and rewarding experience. The instruction is designed to help students attain a desired level of proficiency in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. At each grade level, with the use of the textbook, a strong grammar base is built. Emphasis is also placed on oral communication through the use of conversation and dialogue. Students are also exposed to Spanish culture through songs, rhymes, and poems as well as the customs of Spanish-speaking countries. Instruction also includes Spanish prayers and the lives of Spanish saints.

Computer Education

- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Publisher
- Typing
- Website development – Weebly
- IXL/Sumdog Math Practice
- Scratch Coding

Fine Arts

Unit: Playwriting
Goal: Students will be able to identify and use play & film script structures, create characters, and utilize the art of writing dialogue.

Unit: Public Speaking/Oral Communication
Goal: Students will be able to increase their skill in organization, active listening, and interaction with other communicators in order to develop greater ease and confidence in all types of spoken situations.

Unit: Dance Composition/Stage Combat
Goal: Students will be able to create and develop movement for various dance genres through movement studies, structured improvisation, and group projects through exploration of the principles of dance and the choreographic process, including stage combat.

Unit: Musical Theater
Goal: Students will be able to identify the development of musical theater in America from its roots in minstrels, vaudeville, and burlesques through its variations to present day through the study of history and performance of pieces in the classic musical theater repertoire.

Unit: Theatrical Scenic Design
Goal: Students will be able to understand and utilize design concepts, script analysis, color theory, and scenic drawing/rendering in order to conceptualize the basics of scenic design.

Unit: General Theater/Drama
Goal: Students will be able to direct, stage manage, or write scenes, as well as identify children’s theater, drama, comedy, etc. through the use of play analysis and performance skills.

Unit: Improvisational Acting
Goal: Students will be able to identify the tools of an actor, and create unscripted scenes as productive members of a group.

Unit: Rhythm/Rap Music
Goal: Students will be able to identify rhythms within songs, create their own original rhythms, utilize songwriting tactics, identify the historical elements of rap music, and create their own rap lyrics and songs.

Unit: Storytelling
Goal: Students will be able to develop qualities to express narrative through voice and improve skills of voice and diction – particularly clearer articulation and increased vocal variety.

Unit: General Music
Goal: Students will be able to increase their awareness, ability and proper use of the voice.

Unit: Audition Etiquette/Preparation
Goal: Students will be able to identify and describe audition technique and decorum using theater-specific critical language, and by demonstrating audition and personal presentation skills with proficiency in industry techniques.

Unit: Theatrical Scene Study
Goal: Students will be able to develop the inner resources of an actor and develop the skills of analysis, characterization and partnering through the use of scripted scenes and/or monologue work.