Sixth Grade Curriculum

Sixth Grade Curriculum



- Place Values and Applications
- Whole Number Operations (Addition/SubtractionMultiplicationDivision)
- Decimal Operations (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division)
- Fractions (Prime and Composite Numbers/Factors and Multiples/Lowest Terms/Operations)
- Fraction-Decimal Equivalents/Terminating and Repeating Decimals
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percent and Percent Applications(Sales Tax/Discount/Interest/etc.)
- Integers
- Perimeter and Area/Polygons
- Basic Geometry

Language Arts

All parts of speech and proper usage are covered. Student materials include a textbook and workbook. We encourage these skills to be incorporated into writing assignments.

The students are instructed in how to approach this demanding study of words, synonyms, antonyms and usage. Teaching study skills and drilling are necessary at this age. The test format is explained and consistent.

The various genres are explored through prose, poetry, drama, etc. We travel through many cultures and lands. There is extensive work required after finishing each piece, including comprehension analysis and creative writing. The students are encouraged to read other works by various authors. New vocabulary is introduced and geography incorporated.

Creative Writing
This takes effort, which is accomplished on a one-to-one developmental work basis. (teacher/student or student/student) Each student is given class time of several days to develop thoughts, choose better vocabulary, edit and prepare final copies. On a daily basis, the teacher reviews, corrects, gives pointers, and offers help for the final copy. Many writing styles are explored.

Oral Speaking
Pieces are chosen, analyzed, and practiced for expression and proper presentation. Final presentations are evaluated. This enhances our fine Forensics program.

Oral Reading
Each student is afforded ample opportunity to improve his/her oral reading. Interaction with the teacher takes place approximately ten times per marking period. Expression and speed are emphasized. This is lots of fun!

We have Palmer Method books and practice before every spelling and vocabulary test. Cursive is highly encouraged. Penmanship and printing charts are displayed all year in the classroom.


- Health
- Astronomy
- Earth’s Water
- Weather and Climate
- Cells and Heredity
- Motions, Forces, and Energy

Social Studies

Students will be studying world history, in particular the ancient civilizations of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The five themes of geography are the focus of skills lessons in each chapter. In addition, the students will have a separate geography class once per week. Current events are covered with the publication Junior Scholastic.


The goal of the middle school Spanish program is to make language acquisition a natural, enjoyable, and rewarding experience. The instruction is designed to help students attain a desired level of proficiency in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. At each grade level, with the use of the textbook, a strong grammar base is built. Emphasis is also placed on oral communication through the use of conversation and dialogue. Students are also exposed to Spanish culture through songs, rhymes, and poems as well as the customs of Spanish-speaking countries. Instruction also includes Spanish prayers and the lives of Spanish saints.

Computer Education

- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Publisher
- Typing
- Wordle and Tagxedo – word cloud programs
- IXL/Sumdog Math Practice
- Scratch Coding

Fine Arts

Unit: Playwriting
Goal: Students will be able to identify and use play & film script structures, create characters, and utilize the art of writing dialogue.

Unit: Public Speaking/Oral Communication
Goal: Students will be able to increase their skill in organization, active listening, and interaction with other communicators in order to develop greater ease and confidence in all types of spoken situations.

Unit: Dance Composition/Stage Combat
Goal: Students will be able to create and develop movement for various dance genres through movement studies, structured improvisation, and group projects through exploration of the principles of dance and the choreographic process, including stage combat.

Unit: Musical Theater
Goal: Students will be able to identify the development of musical theater in America from its roots in minstrels, vaudeville, and burlesques through its variations to present day through the study of history and performance of pieces in the classic musical theater repertoire.

Unit: Theatrical Scenic Design
Goal: Students will be able to understand and utilize design concepts, script analysis, color theory, and scenic drawing/rendering in order to conceptualize the basics of scenic design.

Unit: General Theater/Drama
Goal: Students will be able to direct, stage manage, or write scenes, as well as identify children’s theater, drama, comedy, etc. through the use of play analysis and performance skills.

Unit: Improvisational Acting
Goal: Students will be able to identify the tools of an actor, and create unscripted scenes as productive members of a group.

Unit: Rhythm/Rap Music
Goal: Students will be able to identify rhythms within songs, create their own original rhythms, utilize songwriting tactics, identify the historical elements of rap music, and create their own rap lyrics and songs.

Unit: Storytelling
Goal: Students will be able to develop qualities to express narrative through voice and improve skills of voice and diction – particularly clearer articulation and increased vocal variety.

Unit: General Music
Goal: Students will be able to increase their awareness, ability and proper use of the voice.

Unit: Audition Etiquette/Preparation
Goal: Students will be able to identify and describe audition technique and decorum using theater-specific critical language, and by demonstrating audition and personal presentation skills with proficiency in industry techniques.

Unit: Theatrical Scene Study
Goal: Students will be able to develop the inner resources of an actor and develop the skills of analysis, characterization and partnering through the use of scripted scenes and/or monologue work.