Tricky Tray is coming FAST but realize that people have some questions…
so, let’s share some details!
What exactly is Tricky Tray??
Tricky Tray is our single largest fundraiser at OLS and arguably one of the most exciting nights in our gym each year! When you arrive, you have the opportunity to buy sheets of tickets and drop them into over 100 “baskets” for a chance to win! There are over 100 prizes up for raffle and includes electronics, home goods, personal care items, gift cards to local businesses and MORE! There’s also lots of other opportunities to win – spinning our prize wheel or participating in the wine pull! And don’t forget to bring a few extra dollars for the 50/50!
What time should I arrive? And what do I do when I get there?
Doors open at 6pm sharp! If you’ve secured a table with a purchase of 10, it will be reserved under the name of the individual who made the purchase. If you bought individual tickets, there will be plenty of tables reserved with open seating as well!
There will be plenty of time between 6pm and 8pm to browse the prizes, drop your tickets, play our games of chance and socialize with friends! Starting at 8pm, we start pulling the raffle prizes and our program will take off from there!
What should I bring? And what should I wear?
While our Dessert Den will be well stocked with coffee, tea and light desserts, Tricky Tray is really a BYO event. Feel free to bring your favorite food and alcoholic or non alcoholic drink of choice and don’t forget a cooler and your glasses!
And while it might be hard to imagine a dressy casual event in the gym, it tends to be one! But, one quick pro tip: dress in layers because it can get pretty warm throughout the night!
But wait – I have more questions that you didn’t answer!
Feel free to send an email to the HSA mailbox and we’ll be happy to answer them! And we’ll see you at the Tricky Tray!!!
Volunteers Needed!!!
We need YOUR help to make Tricky Tray a success! Multiple opportunities to earn valuable HSA hours
during the week leading up to Tricky Tray and the night of!
Please click the link to view the Sign Up Genius for available jobs and SIGN UP TODAY!!!
OLS Tricky Tray Grand Prize Ticket Raffle!
Please be sure to check your student’s backpack for a letter with details on the Grand Prize Raffle!
The envelope includes one book of grand prize tickets, on sale for $10 each!
Each student that sells one book of tickets and returns the completed book by 9am on Friday, November 11th will be eligible for a raffle of a $200 gift card on Monday, November 14th!
Additional ticket books are available in the school office. If you choose not to participate, please return the unused raffle tickets to the office.
The students of OLS (Kindergarten -8th grade) will have the opportunity to win Tricky Tray prizes!
Designated "kid-themed" prizes will be in the cafeteria during lunch and the students will be able to purchase tickets and enter the raffle to win!
The Student Tricky Tray days are November 8th and November 9th.
All Tickets are $2/per ticket and are cash or check only.
If their ticket is pulled, they will receive their winning basket Monday morning.
Check your student’s backpack for additional information or click here!